21st century technology decentralizing education around the world
We are a group of students from San Diego, USA, Boston, Mass, Meppel Netherlands, Tbilisi Georgia, Milan Italy, Hong Kong SAR and Kabul, Afghanistan. We share curriculum, STEM labs, art and poetry. Our goal is to help all those who at this time have lost access to a regular education. We are also raising money to keep a learning center in Kabul open, and the students and their families feed in these uncertain times.

We currently have live zoom meetings monthly. In between these meetings, we share the curriculum offline and prepare lessons. Some of our efforts besides curriculum development include fundraising, outreach to San Diego refugees, and partnering with schools across America to continue our mission.

Since 2023, students in Kabul have enrolled as distance learners to High Bluff Academy. There they take on line courses that enable them to earn high school credit for a California online high school diploma!
In May of 2024, our first group of Afghan girls earned thier high school diploma!
Are you a student interested in joining us?
Contact us at flowersforthefuturecca@gmail.com

We first met with the girls in the Spring of 2021, before the Taliban invaded. This was when the girls were worried about the Kankor (the Afghan SAT). Then in August, the Taliban invaded and their lives were changed forever. Flowers for the Future quickly morphed into an organization supporting the rights of students across the world to education, regardless of the circumstances.
When we first met with the head teacher at the learning academy, he called the girls "his flowers." We want to give these flowers a chance to bloom, which is why we are called Flowers for the Future.

“We are so happy we are not alone in this world," the Director of the learning academy said to the San Diego students via Zoom. “There are some beautiful minds on the other side of the world who are concerned about us.” - (New York Times)

We have built a process to which all funds raised by Flowers for the Future goes directly to helping sustain the Learning Academy. Funds pay the salaries of the staff, security and teachers. It feeds their families and pays the rent for the school.
Since Flowers for the Future is a student run club, all funds are controlled by the Chair and Board of Directors and Treasurer of the Eileen Murphy Foundation.
“They are stronger, more determined, more steadfast in belief than I have ever been, and I cannot help but think: What if the [The Learning Academy] girls had been given my life?”
(Alice Lin, CCA Student, in the New York Times 2021)